In the College of Arts and Sciences, you are given the opportunity to develop essential skills that employers are looking for:
critical thinking and problem solving;
professionalism and work ethic;
teamwork; and
oral and written communication
These skills are not specific to a particular major. They are found in all majors the College of Arts and Sciences offers. In addition, these skills are transferable, preparing you or your first job, as well as all of the jobs you will hold throughout your career, even the ones that don’t exist yet.
As an A&S student, you are required to complete an internship or engage in an approved learning activity outside of assigned coursework.This Learning Beyond the Classroom experience takes what you are studying and gives you the opportunity to apply it to real-life situations. The skills and knowledge you gain outside of class will help you stand out when you are applying for jobs or to graduate school.

Hands-On Learning Experiences
Gain professional experience and practice what you learn in the classroom.

Undergraduate Research
Work with faculty on cutting-edge projects and co-publish or co-present with faculty at national conferences.

Conduct interdependent work in the Honors Program under the direction of a faculty member, which culminates in an honors thesis or project.

Study Abroad
Participate in our Study Abroad Program to get international experience that will be attractive to future employers.
Career Preparation Course
To help you with academic and career planning, you take a career preparation course as early as your sophomore year to help you explore your interests and strengths, examine career opportunities, and build your networking, interviewing, and resume writing skills.
Your academic advisor and our Department of Career Services can provide you with more information.
Career Services

UHart has an Office of Career Services that is available to help you acquire the tools needed to make effective career decisions during each phase of your academic development.
Career Services can help with:
- Career advising and job-search advice
- Timely information on available internships and jobs
- Campus recruitment, career fairs, and employment events
- Résumé writing and cover letter composition
- Occupational, job search, and employer information
- Graduate and professional school information
- Customized workshops for student groups and classes
- Career assessments
- Selecting a career path or major