
An Inside Look at ENHP

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Our students, faculty, and alumni are making their mark in the classroom and the community. Learn more by exploring the news stories below and check out our Upcoming Events. Read more University of Hartford news here.

Prosthetics and Orthotics Students Serve in Kenya & Peru

prosthetics students with equipment

Two UHart students went to Kenya, and three to Peru, to help assure that patients in need of prosthetic devices were well served, to assist the local healthcare teams in becoming more self-sufficient in their treatment obligations. They also received real-world experience in their chosen field. 

Physical Therapy Students Provide Vital Balance and Memory Screenings for the Community

DPT Community Screening Event
Led by Christine Ross DPT, clinical/applied assistant professor of physical therapy, students within UHart's Gerontology and Geriatrics Physical Therapy course offered a no-cost balance and memory screen for older adults in the community.

More News from ENHP

Students make an impact in physical therapy program - Nov. 2, 2022

The Hawks in Motion initiative, led by Professor Mary Gannotti, is pairing UHart physical therapy graduate students with local community members who have movement challenges due to neurological conditions, like a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease. Read more

UHart celebrates National Physical Therapy Month - Oct. 20, 2022

Physical therapy faculty, staff, and students at the University of Hartford are joining the American Physical Therapy Association to celebrate the 30th anniversary of National Physical Therapy Month this October. The event raises awareness about the many benefits of physical therapy and the impact physical therapists have on health care and society. Read more

Research on veterans and prosthetics featured in Hartford Courant - Oct. 20, 2022

The Prosthetics and Orthotics program is gearing up for another round of research that will aid scuba diving efforts of veterans with leg amputations, and the work has been profiled in the Hartford Courant. Read more

Gema Granados was immersed in the operating room through summer nursing fellowship - Aug. 31, 2022

Over the summer, Gema Granados, a senior nursing student in the College of ENHP, got a first-hand look at how the operating room works. Gema was accepted to the Hartford Healthcare Nursing Fellowship and was placed at Midstate Medical Center in Meriden. Gema observed a wide array of surgeries and shadowed a Certified Nurse Anesthetist. Read more

Enrollment open for new Doctor of Nursing Practice program - June 28, 2022

The University of Hartford is launching a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program to meet the growing need for nurse leaders in health-care organizations and in nursing education. The fully online program will begin in fall 2022, and enrollment is open now. Read more

UHart Preparing for New Occupational Therapy Program - Nov. 16, 2021 
With the opening of the Hursey Center, the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) has taken the next step to establishing bachelor's and master's degree programs in occupational therapy. The Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program is now admitting students for the program that begins in summer 2022. ENHP also welcomed its first class of students in a five-year combined BS/MSOT program in fall 2021. Read more

Fighting Healthcare Disparities with Education - Sept. 14, 2021
CT Mirror, an online news site, recently published an op-ed article by ENHP Dean Cesarina Thompson on health care disparities and how the College is using a number of strategies to contribute to a more diverse and culturally competent health-care workforce. Read more

The Hursey Center is Open - Sept. 10, 2021
The University of Hartford celebrated a significant milestone during a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the Francis X. and Nancy Hursey Center for Advanced Engineering and Health Professions on Sept. 9. The 60,000-square-foot academic building houses new, specialized, and technology-rich facilities to train future professionals in engineering and health care fields in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture; and the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions. Read more

"Bespoke Bodies" at Joseloff Gallery This Fall - Aug. 6, 2021
Design Museum Everywhere will present their traveling exhibition Bespoke Bodies: The Design & Craft of Prosthetics at Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford from Aug. 21 - Oct. 9. Students from the Hartford Art School and The College of Education, Nursing, and Health Professions will be contributing never-before-seen materials to supplement the exhibition. Bespoke Bodies is a multimedia exhibition that explores the past, present, and future of prosthetic design on a global scale through personal stories of people who use prostheses as well as case studies of innovations in the field. Read more

ENHP Announces 2021 Regents' Award Winners - May 4, 2021
Alesha Heacock, a student in the Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics (MSPO) program, and Kimberly Sorrentino, a recent graduate of the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (EdD) program, are the recipients of the 2021 Regents’ Award for Graduate Students in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP). The annual Regents’ Honor Awards are the highest recognition of accomplishments that the University bestows on graduate students. Criteria for selection include a grade point average of at least 3.8, significant scholarship, and community service. Read more

UHart Fights Healthcare Inequities with New Hiring Initiative - April 27, 2021
The University of Hartford is combating healthcare inequities through a hiring program aimed at diversifying the medical professions and better preparing future health practitioners. As part of the University’s commitment to addressing systemic racism and advancing social equity, the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) is hiring over a dozen faculty members over the next three years, with a focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This group of faculty will educate UHart’s diverse student body in issues of health inequities related to systemic racism, and help form partnerships with local communities of varying race and social classes. Read more

Dorothy Goodwin Scholars Present Research - April 8, 2021
Three ENHP students presented their research projects at the Women's Advancement Initiative's Annual Symposium on April 1. Haley Cassidy ’22 and Kaitlyn Dupont ’22 presented "Researching Out of School Transitions for Students with Disabilities," and Emma Brown '21 presented "Scoping Literature Review to Support the Impact of Arts in Physical Therapy." The Dorothy Goodwin Scholarship is dedicated to supporting selected female students and their faculty mentors who are engaging in innovative research or creative projects. Read more

NBC Connecticut Reports on University's Hiring Initiative to Increase Diversity - March 16, 2021
NBC Connecticut reported on UHart's efforts to increase faculty diversity. Over the next three years, the college plans to hire an additional 16 faculty members of color, who will help educate future health care professionals about health disparities. "We need to have more health care providers who really mirror the populations that they serve," said ENHP Dean Cesarina Thompson. Watch video

The Arts and Healthcare Converge in this Annual Lecture - Feb. 24, 2021
The third Koltenuk Lecture Series in Art and Healthcare will take place virtually on Thursday April 22 at 5:00 p.m. and is co-hosted by the Hartford Art School and the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions. The topic is "Global Perspectives on Healing Healthcare Environments: The Role of Architecture, Design, and the Arts in Creating and Supporting Health," and our speaker is Susan Frampton, PhD, President of Planetree International. She is a medical anthropologist and speaks internationally on healing healthcare environments and the rights of patients and families to be engaged in their own care and treatment decisions. Read more

Kayon Morgan Named to Anti-Racism Task Force - Dec. 3, 2020
Kayon Morgan, assistant professor of educational leadership, was appointed to serve a two-year term on the Mayor's Permanent Task Force on Anti-Racism for the city of Middletown, Conn. In this capacity, she will work closely with the mayor to advise the administration and promote the adoption of anti-racist policies and initiatives to address systemic racism both locally and nationally. Read more

UHart Preparing for New Occupational Therapy Program - Nov. 23, 2020
The University of Hartford is preparing to launch a new program in occupational therapy in 2021, helping to meet demand for professionals in this growing field. The College of ENHP will begin offering a combined five-year bachelor’s/master’s degree occupational therapy program in fall 2021. A post-baccalaureate master’s degree in occupational therapy (MSOT) is planned to begin in summer 2022. Read more

Karen Duhamel Receives Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing - Sept. 1, 2020
Karen V. Duhamel, Assistant Professor of Nursing, will receive the Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing on September 3. The Nightingale Award celebrates and elevates the nursing profession and recognizes nurses who have made a significant impact on patient care and/or the profession. Read more

Respiratory Program Gets Creative with Clinical Education During the Pandemic - August 13, 2020
When COVID-19 suspended clinical training for students in the spring, Respiratory program director Karen Griffiths got creative.  She worked with the American Lung Association to set up a virtual support group for patients with chronic lung disease called the Better Breathers Club. Her respiratory students are gaining experience this summer working with patients in the support group. Read more

Dan DeMaio Re-Elected to Board of World's Largest Radiological Sciences Association - August 3, 2020
The world’s largest radiologic science association re-elected Daniel DeMaio, MEd, R.T.(R)(CT), to serve on its Board of Directors. DeMaio was installed as Vice Speaker of the House for the 2020-2021 term at the virtual special meeting of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists in June. Read more

Collen Muñoz to Lead New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine - July 23, 2020
Colleen Muñoz, assistant professor of health sciences in the College of Education, Nursing, and Health Professions, will serve as President-Elect of the New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine beginning in November. Read more

Join the Virtual Conference "Coming Together While Living Apart" on June 30 
The College of ENHP is a co-sponsor of "Coming Together While Living Apart," a free virtual conference on June 30. Learn from a community of speakers including Priya Parker, author of "The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters." Topics on the agenda include resilience, stress management, and reducing social isolation. Read more

ENHP Honors Catherine Certo with the Excellence Through Relevance Service Award - May 14, 2020
In recognition of her extensive efforts in program development, faculty support, and strategic planning, the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions has announced that Catherine Certo is the recipient of the ENHP Excellence Through Relevance Service Award for 2020. Read more

ENHP Student Quimby Wechter Wins Top Commencement Award - May 13, 2020
Quimby Wechter '20 is the recipient of this year’s Belle K. Ribicoff Prize, awarded for academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and originality of thought. This health sciences/pre-physical therapy major from the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions is graduating with a 4.0 GPA. She is passionate about helping others, as demonstrated by her work with young adults with developmental disabilities and children with cerebral palsy. Read more

ENHP's Colleen Munoz Awarded Belle Ribicoff Junior Faculty Prize - May 7, 2020
Colleen Muñoz, assistant professor of health sciences in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, is the winner of this year’s Belle K. Ribicoff Junior Faculty Prize. The award recognizes an outstanding junior faculty member—an assistant professor in a tenure-track position, but not yet tenured—who demonstrates combined excellence in teaching, scholarly or creative activity, and service. Read more

UHart Loans Ventilators to Hartford Hospital for COVID-19 Patients - April 28, 2020
The University of Hartford loaned three much-needed ventilators to Hartford Hospital in early April to help critically ill COVID-19 patients receive the care they need. These ventilators are typically housed in labs in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, where students train to become respiratory therapists. Now that classes are being held remotely, the hospital is able to use the ventilators for patient care. Read more

ENHP Faculty Share Positive Messages with Students - April 23, 2020
ENHP faculty and staff shared encouraging messages for their students on social media. While classes are being held remotely due to COVID-19, we wanted to let our students know how much we miss them - and can't wait to see them back on campus!  Read more

DeMaio Interviewed on Leadership in Radiologic Technology - April 14, 2020
Dan DeMaio, associate professor of Radiologic Technology in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, was recently profiled in Radiology Business magazine. DeMaio was one of five technologists who were interviewed about their move from technologists into a variety of leadership positions. Read more

New Academic Building Will Transform UHart's Campus - March 1, 2020
Opening in Fall 2021, our new 60,000-square foot building will include state-of-art learning spaces for students in the College of ENHP. Facilities will include labs for motion analysis, human performance, strength and conditioning, nursing simulation, and health and physical assessment. Read more

Research Takes Felmlee Underseas and Overseas - February 20, 2020
ENHP’s Duffy Felmlee was profiled in the February 2020 issue of O&P Almanac for his research both underwater and on land.  Felmlee, associate professor of prosthetics and orthotics, is working on several projects to help improve prosthetic device options and safety for individuals with limb loss and limb difference. Read more

ENHP's Kori Stewart Selected to Speak on Artificial Intelligence in Radiology at UK Conference - February 10, 2020
Kori Stewart, clinical assistant professor of radiologic technology in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, has been selected as one of two recipients of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Foundation’s International Speakers Exchange Award. Read more

Student's Invention Gives Children with Cerebral Palsy Freedom in the Pool
December 16, 2019
Physical Therapy Student Josh Breighner '20 has developed a device that allows children with cerebral palsy to play independently in the pool. Read more

Nursing Leader to Speak on the Health Care Needs of the LGBTQIA+ Community
December 3, 2019
The College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions will host Vanessa Pomarico-Denino for a lecture titled “Expanding the Rainbow: Understanding the Health Care Needs of the LGBTQIA+ Community” on Tuesday, December 3 from 5-7 p.m.  Read more

Teacher of the Year and ENHP Alumnus to Speak on Motivation and Morale
October 28, 2019
David Bosso, EdD, M’04, will speak on “Motivation, Morale, and Professional Identity: Leadership Lessons from a Veteran Connecticut Teacher” on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 4:00 pm. Bosso is the 2012 Connecticut Teacher of the Year and is a 2019 inductee to the National Teachers Hall of Fame. Read more

Iraq War Veteran and ENHP Alumna Maria Tackett to Receive Anchor Award
October 14, 2019
Maria Tackett D '10, who has established a highly respected career in nursing, health care, and educational leadership, will be honored this October at the 2019 Anchor Awards. The University of Hartford Alumni Association presents the annual Anchor Awards to recognize alumni who have achieved the highest level of professional as well as community accomplishments. Read more

ENHP to Exhibit at Hartford Marathon
September 30, 2019
The University of Hartford College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP) will be an exhibitor at the Hartford Marathon on Saturday, October 12 at Bushnell Park in downtown Hartford.  The Hartford Marathon has thousands of participants and volunteers supporting charities throughout the region. Read more

ENHP's DeMaio Named to Board of World's Largest Radiologic Science Association
July 29, 2019
The world’s largest radiologic science association elected Daniel DeMaio, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(CT), to serve on its Board of Directors. DeMaio was installed as vice Speaker of the House for the 2019-2020 term at the annual meeting of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists in Orlando, Florida, in June. Read more

Alumnus David Bosso Inducted Into National Teachers' Hall of Fame
July 1, 2019
David Bosso M ’04 was inducted into the National Teachers’ Hall of Fame at a ceremony on June 21 at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. Bosso is a social studies teacher at Berlin High School in Berlin, Connecticut, and was recently elected chair of the ENHP Board of Visitors. Read more

Mackenzie Ford is UHart's First Montessori Bachelor's Degree Graduate
May 23, 2019
When Mackenzie Ford received her degree at Commencement on May 19, her achievement wasn't only a personal milestone. She's also the first graduate of UHart's Montessori bachelor’s degree program. Read more

ENHP Names Joyce Thielen Program Director for New Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program
March 19, 2019
Joyce Z. Thielen has been named program director for the University of Hartford’s new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. Cesarina Thompson, dean of the University’s College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, announced Thielen’s appointment after learning that the new program has received approval from the State of Connecticut Board of Examiners for Nursing.  Read more

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