
Narendar Sumukadas

Narendar Sumukadas  headshot

Associate Professor of Management

Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Barney School of Business
860.768.4239 Auerbach Hall 310E

PhD, Western University, London, Canada (University of Western Ontario)

MBA, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada

BTech, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India

Narendar Sumukadas is an associate professor of management. He teaches undergraduate and MBA classes in operations management. He has published scholarly and managerial journal articles as well as case studies, experiential exercises, and YouTube videos. Prior to pursuing academics, he worked as a mechanical engineer in operations, maintenance, and project roles.

research interests include:
  • Supply chain management
  • Project management
  • Continuous improvement
  • Teaching and learning

Sumukadas, N., and Stec, D. 2024. Barking up the wrong tree: Why cost cutting is not waste elimination. Rutgers Business Review, forthcoming.

Sawhney, R., and Sumukadas, N. 2024. Deploying AMT for scale versus scope: A contingency approach. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(1): 64-80.

Sumukadas, N. 2021. Are you ready for your next product recall crisis? Lessons from operations and supply chain management. Business Horizons, 64(2): 211-221.

Abu-aisheh, A., Grant, L., Sumukadas, N., and Hadad, A. 2016. Fostering engineering students engagement using problem-based learning and course learner agent object portfolios. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(4): 45-47.

Manzione, L., Abu-aisheh, A., Sumukadas, N., and Congden, S. 2016. Preparing engineering students for the global sourcing environment. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(3): 19-23.

Dhanaraj, C., Sumukadas, N., Johnson, F., and Malvankar, M. 2011. Nokia India: Battery recall logistics. Case study published by Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business, London, Ontario.

Honorable Mention, Case Competition, Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2010. (Case study Nokia India: Battery recall logistics, by Dhanaraj, C., Sumukadas, N., Johnson, F., and Malvankar, M.)

Sumukadas, N. Operations Management Lecture Series, posted on YouTube.

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