Dean's Office for CETA, Civil, Environmental, and Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecturepines@gt5cheats.com 860.768.4560 UT 231
PhD, Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
MSME, University of Connecticut
BS, Chemical Engineering, University of New Hampshire at Durham
Civil Engineering Professor
University of Hartford, College of Engineering, Technology & Architecture, 1998 - Present
Research Engineer
Advanced Fuel Research, 1992 - 93
Project Engineer
Hamilton Sundstrand, 1988 - 91
Systems Engineer
UTC Power, 1986 - 88
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Water Works Association (AWWA)
- American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Engineers Without Borders
Our EWB Student Chapter is excited about continuing to partner with our new friends in Abheypur by working on the three new challenging projects. We are excited that our team has expanded to include the Hartford EWB Professional Chapter and the Hartford Art School. With our expanded team, we feel we can make even a larger long-term positive impact on the residents of Abheypur, and beyond.
Professor Pines’ research interests are in the design and implementation of water supplies for developing communities in India and the development and commercialization of agricultural tools for rural farmers in Kenya and East Africa. Closer to home, he is interested in analyzing water and wastewater treatment systems to meet more stringent water quality regulations as required by the Clean Water Act; and the development of energy policy to more efficiently and cost-effectively utilize our energy resources.
- Roy E. Larsen Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2009
- David Pines spent more than a decade as a practicing engineer before joining the CETA faculty. His engineering experience has brought an increased emphasis on practical applications to the engineering curriculum. Pines receives high marks for his classroom teaching, but it is the lessons his students learn outside the classroom that may have the most profound impact. Working through Engineers Without Borders (EWB ), Pines and his students designed and installed a solar-powered well and a rooftop rainwater collection system to bring a clean, sustainable water supply to residents of Abheypur, India. That project has now expanded well beyond CETA, involving students from other schools and colleges at the University, as well as area high school students and professional engineers.
- ASEE Mechanical Engineering Division Best Session Paper Award, 2004
- Early Career Award, ASEE Environmental Division, 2003
- ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering Editor’s Award, 2002
- Community Service Award, University of Hartford, 2001
- ASCE Award in Appreciation for Services as ASCE Student Faculty Advisor, 2001-02
- USEPA STAR Graduate Fellowship, 1995
- AWWA LARS Scholarship, 1995
- United Technologies President's Award for outstanding engineering achievement, 1991
- University of New Hampshire Presidential Scholar Award, 1985
- “Advances in Nuclear Power Technology,” October 2011 for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) and The Connecticut Energy Advisory Board (peer reviewed by Academy Members Peter G. Cable, PhD, John Cagnetta, PhD, and Sten A. Caspersson)
- “Water Conservation and Rain Water Harvesting to Recharge Groundwater: Groundwater Protection and Cultural Understanding of Hydrogeology in Abheypur, India,” ASCE World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, Providence, RI, May 2010, p. 792. (co-author N.S. Glucksberg)
- “Peer Review of an Evaluation of the Health and Environmental Impacts Associated with Synthetic Turf Playing Fields,” June 2010 for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE), Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut Department of Public Health, and University of Connecticut Health Center
- “A Study of the Feasibility of Utilizing Waste Heat from Central Electric Power Generating Stations and Potential Applications,” July 2009 for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) and The Connecticut Energy Advisory Board (peer reviewed by Academy Members Sen A. Caspersson and Robert J. Hermann, PhD)
- “A Study of Weigh Station Technologies and Practices,” November 2008 for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE) and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (peer reviewed by Academy Members Peter G. Cable, PhD and Herbert S. Levinson, PE).
- “Evolution of a Sophomore Design Course at the University of Hartford,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA (June 2008).
- Fang, Clara Fang and D. Pines (2007). “Enhancing Transportation Engineering Education with Computer Simulation,” The International Journal of Engineering Education, 23:4:808-815.
- “Gauging Student Interest in a Design for Developing Communities Course at the University of Hartford,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI (June 2007).
- “Integrating Simulation into Transportation Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI (June 2007).
- “Energy Alternatives and Conservation,” Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, December 2006 (http://www.ctcase.org/reports/energy_alternatives.pdf) for The Connecticut General Assembly’s Commerce Committee, Energy and Technology Committee, and Environment Committee.
- Speiser, D., D. Pines, and C.H. Son (2006). “Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Air Flow in Node 1 of the International Space Station,” SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Aerospace, 101-105.
- Leshem, E.N., D.S. Pines, S.J. Ergas, and D.A. Reckhow (2006). “Electrochemical Oxidation and Ozonation for Textile Water Reuse,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132:3:324-330.
- “Providing Engineering Students a Global Perspective through a Project for Developing Communities – Lessons Learned at the University of Hartford,” Proceedings of the 2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (June 2006).
- Leshem, E.N., D.S. Pines, S.J. Ergas, and D.A. Reckhow (2005). “Electrochemical Oxidation and Ozonation for Textile Water Reuse,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132, 324.
- Pines, D.S., K. Min, S.J. Ergas, and D.A. Reckhow (2005). “Investigation of an Ozone Membrane Contactor System,” Ozone Science & Engineering, 27:209-217.
- Pines, D. (2005). “NPDES Phase II Stormwater Rule – An Excellent Opportunity to Get Students Involved in a Service Learning Project,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
- Pines, D., J. Fuller, T. Hahn, and N. Wynn (2005). "Bringing Together Engineering, Architecture, and Art Students to Creatively Solve Community Design Issues,” Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
- Pines, D.S. and R. Esponda (2004). “Comparison of an Anionic Polymer to No Polymer Addition for Treating Filter Backwash Water,” Proceedings of the 2004 AWWA Water Quality Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Esponda, R. and D.S. Pines (2004). “New Water Treatment Plant and 150 Year Old Pipes: Case Study on Changes in Distribution System Water Quality,” Proceedings of the 2004 AWWA Water Quality Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Pines, D. (2004). “Including Service Learning in the Environmental Research Project,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Pines, D. (2004). “Using Computational Fluid Dynamics to Excite Undergraduate Students about Fluid Mechanics,” Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Pines, D.S. and D.A. Reckhow (2003). “Solid Phase Catalytic Ozonation Process for Destruction of a Model Pollutant,” Ozone Science & Engineering, 25:25-39.
- Pines, D.S. and D.A. Reckhow (2002). “Effect of Dissolved Cobalt (II) on the Ozonation of Oxalic Acid,” Environmental Science & Engineering, 36:4046-4051. Article
- Cetegen, B.M. and D.S. Pines (1992). "Combustion of a Stretched CO Ligament," Combustion & Flame, 91:143-152.