Associate Professor
College of Education, Nursing and Health Professionsbreda@gt5cheats.com 860.768.4477 Auerbach 228B
PhD, University of Connecticut
MSN, Boston University
BSN, Boston University
Teaching Focus: Associate Professor of Nursing Karen Lucas Breda teaches courses on theory and research methods, complementary healing modalities and globalization, health and social issues relevant to professional nurses, and other healthcare providers. She serves as the MSN and RN-BSN Program Director and the Director of Project Horizon, a community outreach initiative focusing on health, social and cultural advocacy. Project Horizon is part of the Center for Health, Care, and Well-being in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions’ Institute for Translational Research.
Professional Interests: Breda earned her doctorate in anthropology. Her research interests include the critical political economy of health, the work life of nurses, and participatory action research with service learning, social justice, and advocacy projects.
Project Horizon 2015 Community Renewal Team Board of Trustees Award, November 17, 2015.
Breda, K.L (May 2014) recognized as top 3 University of Hartford faculty
Project Horizon1stCampus–Community Partnership Award, Connecticut Campus Compact, 2103
Breda, K.L. University of Hartford, Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Award for Sustained Service to University, May 17, 2009
Breda, K.L. My Sisters’ Place, Inc. “Dream Maker Award” March 20, 2009
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2008, Project Horizon, $30,000
Breda, K.L. Nightingale Award for Excellence in Nursing, May 8, 2008
Breda, K.L. Heath Care Hero Award, Hartford Business Journal, 2008
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2007, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2006, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2005, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2004, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. Charles Nelson Robinson Robinson 2004 Project Horizon $3,500.00
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut Dept of Social Services, 2003, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. Aetna Foundation, 2003, Project Horizon, $15,000
Breda, K.L. Fisher Foundation, 2003, Project Horizon, $7,500
Breda, K.L. Hempstead Trust, the Idella Stuart, 2003, Project Horizon, $5,000
Breda, K.L. Ensworth Charitable Foundation, 2002, Health Care for Homeless, $5,000
Breda, K.L. Long Foundation, 2002, Healthcare for Homeless, $4,000
Breda, K.L. Brennan, S., Nordyke, J., and Griswold, R., University of Hartford, Faculty Center for Learning & Development, Technology Student Mentor Grant, 2003, Project Horizon
Breda, K.L. Hempstead Trust, the Idella Stuart, 2002, Project Horizon, $6,000
Breda, K.L.Aetna Foundation, 2002, Healthcare for Homeless, $15,000
Breda, K.L. University of Hartford Community Service Award recipient, August 28, 2002
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut, Dept of Social Services, 2002, Healthcare for Homeless, $15,000
Breda, K.L. Long Foundation, 2001, Healthcare for Homeless, $4,000
Breda, K.L. Carse Robinson et. al. Foundation, 2001, Healthcare for Homeless, $3,500
Breda, K.L. Swindells Foundation, 2001, Healthcare for Homeless, $6,000
Breda, K.L. Fisher Foundation, 2001, Healthcare for Homeless, $5,000
Breda, K.L. Ensworth Charitable Foundation, 2001, Health Care for Homeless, $5,000
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut, Dept of Social Services, 2001, Healthcare for Homeless, $14,000
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut, Dept of Social Services, 2000, Healthcare for Homeless, $14,000
Breda, K.L. SHARE Fellowship recipient, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 2001
Breda, K.L. Ahearn Foundation, 2000, Healthcare for Homeless, $1,000
Breda, K.L. SHARE Fellowship recipient, 1999, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, 1999
Breda, K.L. State of Connecticut, Dept of Social Services, 1999, Healthcare for Homeless, $13,000
Breda, K.L. Vincent Coffin Grant, University of Hartford, 1997
Breda, K.M.Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli Fellowship to Italy, Turin, 1991, ITALY, $32,000
Breda, K.M. Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, 1987-1988, ITALY, $30,000
Breda, K.M. University of Connecticut Graduate Fellowships (1983 to 1986), Storrs, CT
Breda, K.M.Federal Traineeship, Department of Health, Education & Welfare Project 101 United States Government, Sept 1977 to Aug 1978, Boston, Massachusetts
Society for Applied Anthropology, Council on Nursing and Anthropology, Fulbright Association, Association for Humanist Sociology, Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, Conference Group on Italian Politics & Society, Sigma Theta Tau International, Iota Upsilon Chapter-At-Large.
Professional Activities
Sustaining Fellow Society for Applied Anthropology (2005-Present).
Co-Chair Program Committee, Council on Nursing and Anthropology (CONAA) appointed March 2019.
President Council on Nursing and Anthropology(CONAA) Elected March April, 2012-March 2019.
President-Elect Council on Nursing and Anthropology. (Elected) April, 2011-March 2012.
Chair Publicity Committee, Council on Nursing and Anthropology (elected) 2002-2008,
Secretary Council on Nursing and Anthropology (elected) 1999-2000,
Member Program Committee, Council on Nursing and Anthropology (elected) 1996-97, 1999-2000.
Member Editorial Board, Texto & Contexto Enfermagem. Appointed 2015-present.
Member Editorial Board, Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y Desarrollo, 2007-present.
Member Hispanic Health Council IRB, Hartford, CT, 1999-2004.
Alternate Member Institute for Community Research IRB, Hartford CT, 2000-2010.
Manuscript Reviewer
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem 2011- present
Public Health Nursing 2009 - present
Humanity and Society 2008- present
Human Organization 2001- present
Lippincott Publishers 2002- present
Journal of School Nursing 2000 - 2010
Minnier, W., Leggett, M., Persaud, I. & Breda, K. (2019) Four smart steps: Fall prevention for community-dwelling older adults. Creative Nursing, 25(2), 169-175.
Sposito, J., Zipf, A., Alhowaumel, F., Almutairi, M.T. & Breda, K. (2018) Community-based stroke recognition education and response: An evidence-based intervention project. Creative Nursing.24(4), pp. 251-257.
Monarca, M., Marteka, P. & Breda, K. (2018) Decreasing incidence of medical device-related pressure injuries in a small community hospital: A quality improvement project. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing 45(2), pp. 137-140. PMID: 29521924 DOI: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000419
Tsombanos, H., Nielsen, E., Breda, K,David, H.M., Padilha, M.I. (Jan 2018) Brazilian nurses' perception of the role of community health agents in preventive care. Nursing Economics36(1):29–34,45, Issn Print: 0746-1739. http://www.questia.com/magazine/1P4-2007005854/brazilian-nurses-perception-of-the-role-of-community
MacLean, L, Coombs, C; Breda, K(2016) Unprofessional workplace conduct: Defining and Defusing it. Nursing Management47(9), pp 30–34. doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000491126.68354.be
Saint-Clair Silva Teodosio, S., Cruz Enders, B., Brandão de Carvalho Lira, A.L., Padilha, M.I., Breda, K.L.(2017) Análise do conceito de Identidade Profissional do Enfermeiro. >Investigação Qualitativa em Saúde//Investigación Cualitativa en Salud//Volume 2 Atas CIAIQ2017 file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/1511-5917-1-PB-1.pdf
Wright, G.M. & Breda, K.L.(Oct 2015)International partnerships for academic research and exchange: Ethical implications.Journal of Modern Education Review.October 2015, Volume 5, No. 10, pp. 962–969 Doi: 10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/10.05.2015/004 http://www.academicstar.us/UploadFile/Picture/2016-3/201638289275.pdf
Breda, K. (2015). Foreword. In M. deChesnay and B.A. Anderson (Eds.), Caring for the vulnerable: Perspectives in nursing theory, practice and research(4thed.)(pp. xv-xvi). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Breda, K.M.L.(2015) What is old is also new - Participatory ActionResearch Texto contexto - enferm. vol.24 no.1 Florianópolis Jan./Mar. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0104-07072015000EDIT01
Breda, K.L.(2015) O que é antigo também é novo - pesquisa participativa ativa. Texto contexto– enferm. vol.24 no.1 Florianópolis Jan./Mar. 2015
Breda, K.L.(2015) Lo que es antiguo también es nuevo - investigación acción participative.Textocontexto - enferm.vol.24 no.1 Florianópolis Jan./Mar. 2015
Towle, A. & Breda, K. (2014) Teaching the millennial nursing student: Using a "flipping the classroom" modelNursing and Health2(6): 107-114, 2014 http://www.hrpub.org DOI: 10.13189/nh.2014.020601
Breda, K.L. (2014) Participatory Action Research. In M. deChesnay, (Ed.), Nursing research using Participatory Action Research(pp, 1-12). New York: Springer Publishing.
Breda, K.L. (2014) State of the art of nursing research in Participtory Action Research. In M. deChesnay (Ed.), Nursing research using Participatory Action Research(pp, 13-22). New York: Springer.
Breda, K.L. (2014) Book Review of Sex Trafficking: A Clinical Guide for Nursesby Mary de Chesnay(Ed.). (2013) New York, NY: Springer Publishers ISBN 978-0-8261-7115-3 Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 25(4):418-419.
Breda, K.L., Groot, K. & Towle, A (2013). El desarrollo de humilidad cultural mediante el aprendizaje servicio critico (Developing cultural humility through critical service learning) Ciencia y Enfermería.19(2):35-46.
Breda, K.L. (2013)Critical ethnography. In C.T. Beck, (Ed.), Routledge international handbook of qualitiative nursing research(pp, 230-241). New York: Routledge.
Breda, K.L. (2012) What is nursing’s role in international and global health?Texto Contexto Enfermagem, Florianópolis, 2012 Jul-Set; 21(3): 491-2
Breda, K.L. (2012) ¿Cuál es el papel desempeñar por enfermería en la salud global e international? " Texto Contexto Enferm, Florianópolis, 2012 Jul-Set; 21(3): 493-4
Breda, K.L. (2012) Qual o papel da enfermagem na saúde internacional e global? Texto Contexto Enferm,Florianópolis, 2012Jul-Set; 21(3): 489-90
Breda, K.L. (2011)Book Review of Nursing Contradictions: Ideals and Improvisations in Uganda by Helle Max Martin, Copenhagen: AMB Publishers, (2009); ix+189pp.ISBN 97890 79700 12 7Journal of Transcultural Nursing October (22)4:415-516.
Breda, K.L. & Wright, M.G.M.(2011) Enhancing Nursing Knowledge through Democratic Cross-National Collaboration.Texto & Contexto Enfermagem. 20(3): 392-398. ISBN ISSN 0104-0707.
Breda, K.L. (2011)Book Review of Nursing Contradictions: Ideals and Improvisations in Ugandaby Helle Max Martin, Copenhagen: AMB Publishers, 2009; ix+189pp.Medical Anthropology QuarterlyDecember, (25)4:543-544.
Breda, K.L. (ed.) (2009) Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective, Amityville, NY: Baywood Press.
Breda. K.L. (2009) The Context of Nursing and Globalization in Karen Breda, ed. Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective,Amityville, NY: Baywood Press, pp.1-20.
Breda. K.L. (2009) “Synthesis of Case Studies: Implications for Global Nursing and Health” in Karen Breda, ed. Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective,Amityville, NY: Baywood Press, pp.323-340.
Breda. K.L., Barbee, E.L. & Zadoroznyj, M. (2009) “Nursing in the United States” in Karen Breda, ed. Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective,Amityville, NY: Baywood Press, pp.275-322.
Breda, K.L. (2007) Global Insecurities or Global solutions? Neoliberalism and U.S. Nursing.(Published Abstract) Oklahoma, City, Society for Applied Anthropology. p. 68. www.sfaa.net.
Breda, K.L. (2007) Global Insecurities in Health Care: Neoliberalism and Nursing Praxis.(Published Abstract) Oklahoma, City, Society for Applied Anthropology. p. 54. www.sfaa.net.
Miceli, C.M, Breda, K.L. & Frank, M.E. (2005) Italiansin J.G Lipson and S.L. Dibble (eds.) Culture and Clinical Care. San Francisco: UCSF Nursing Press. pp. 290-303.
Breda, K.L. & Brennan, S.J. (2003) “Communities Working together for Collective Transformation in Project Horizon” (p.133) in American Anthropological Association Abstracts Peace: Affinities, Divisions and Transformations. Arlington, VA: AAA, ISBN 1-931303-15-0.
Breda, K.L. & Anderson, N.R. (2003) Communities Working Together: Diminishing Inequality and Promoting Health through Collective Transformations” (p. 26) in American Anthropological Association Abstracts Peace: Affinities, Divisions and Transformations. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association, ISBN 1-931303-15-0.
Breda, K.L. (1999) Deconstructing Myths About Homelessness: Registered Nurses in Urban Homeless Shelters 10th Annual International Critical & Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference Proceedings, Williamsburg Virginia, October.
Breda, K.L.(1999) A Unique Perspective Nursing Spectrum3(25) December 13, 1999, 7.
Breda, K.L.& Chester E. (1999)Wooed by the Charm of Portland, Maine: Region 5 Conference A Real Hit Sigma Theta Tau Inter Iota Upsilon Chapter-At-Large Newsletter (editorial) 5(11), 10-11.
Breda, K.L. & Schulze, M. (1998) Teaching Complementary Healing Therapies to NursesJournal of Nursing Education 37(9):394-397.
Breda, K.L. (1997) (Book Review for Humanity and Society 22(4):429-431, 1998 of Hans A. Baer, Merrill Singer, & Ida Susser Medical Anthropology & the World System: A Critical Perspective Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Breda, K.L. (1997) (Book Review for The Newsletter of the Conference Group on Italian Politics & Society(Congrips) No. 47, Spring , pp. 68-72.) Carl Levy (ed.) 1996 Italian Regionalism: History, Identity & Politics. Oxford & Washington DC: Berg.
Breda, K., Anderson MA, Hansen L, Hayes D, Pillion C, & Lyon P. (1997) Enhanced Nursing Autonomy through Participatory Action Research Nursing Outlook45(2):76-81.
Breda, KL(1997) Professional Nurses in Unions: Working Together Pays OffJournal of Professional Nursing 13(2):99-109.
Breda, K.L., Anderson, M., Hansen, L., Hayes, D., Lyon, P. & Pillion, C. (1995) Participatory Action Research by Nurses: Enhanced Professional Autonomy & Workplace Democracy6th International Critical Theory & Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference Proceedings Prout's Neck, Maine, October.
Breda, K.M. (1992) Politics, Culture & Gramscian Hegemony in the Italian Health Service: A Comparison of USL's, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Breda, K. (1987) Ritual in South Italy: Ideology & the Social Systemin:Atti:primo convegno nazionale di antropologia culturale delle societa' complesse, Palazzo Braschi, Rome, ITALY, May 27-30.
Breda, K. (1997) Patterns & Themes in the Pediatric Nurse Clinician’s Sense of Intimacy in Family & in the Nurse's Interactions with Families in the Emergency Department Setting,Clinical Investigative Study, MSN thesis. Boston University Boston, MA.
INVITED PRESENTATIONS (non peer-reviewed)
Breda, K.L.(2012) “Promoting global action for health and social justice” Invited presentation to the Utah Valley University Ethics Center and Peace & Justice Studies January 24, 2012. [Podcast UVU Ethics Center].
Breda, K.L.(2012) “Nursing in a globalized world” Invited presentation to the Utah Valley University School of Nursing. January 24, 2012. [Podcast UVU Ethics Center].
Breda, K and Paluzzi, J. (2019) Portlandia: Myth or “Keep Portland Weird” Reality?ACONAA sponsored Roundtable at the Society for Applied Anthropology 79thAnnual Meetings, March 19-23, 2019. The Portland Hilton Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
Breda, K. & Padilha, M.I.(2019) An Anthropological Critique of the Evolution of Health Care Providers in a Turbulent Health Care Market in the CONAA sponsored session“Keeping Up with the Times: Negotiating the Nursing Profession in the 21st Century” at the Society for Applied Anthropology 79thAnnual Meetings, March 19-23, 2019. The Portland Hilton Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
Padilha, M., Toso, B. &Breda, K.(2019) The Euphemism of ‘Good Nursing Practice’ or ‘Advanced Practice Nursing’in the CONAA sponsored session“Keeping Up with the Times: Negotiating the Nursing Profession in the 21st Century” at the Society for Applied Anthropology 79thAnnual Meetings, March 19-23, 2019. The Portland Hilton Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
Breda, K(2018) #Almostlikepraying, contested political narratives, political culture & hegemony: An autoethnography of the US response to hurricane Maria in the CONAA sponsored session “The Search for a Sustainable and Just Future” at the Society for Applied Anthropology, 78 Annual Meetings, April 3-7, 2018. The Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Breda, K. &Paul-Ward, A. (2017)Trailblazers: Emerging Roles in the Health Professions: Part I. CONAA Session organized for theSociety for Applied Anthropology, 77 Annual Meetings, March 28 to April 1, 2017. La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Breda, K. &Paul-Ward, A.(2017) Trailblazers: Emerging Roles in the Health Professions: Part II CONAA Session organized for theSociety for Applied Anthropology, 77 Annual Meetings, March 28 to April 1, 2017. La Fonda on the Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Breda, K.,Acioli, S. &David, H.L. (2017) Politics of Advanced Practice Nursing in Brazil and USA.in the sessionTrailblazers: Emerging Roles in the Health Professions: Part IISociety for Applied Anthropology, 77 Annual Meetings, March 28 to April 1, 2017. La Fondaon the Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Padilha, M.I. & Breda, K. (2017)New Roles for Scientific Publishing in Brazil in the sessionTrailblazers: Emerging Roles in the Health Professions: Part II Society for Applied Anthropology, 77 Annual Meetings, March 28 to April 1, 2017. La Fondaon the Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Groot, K.& Breda, K. (2017)Envisioning New Traditions: Innovative Pedagogy in Internships and Fieldwork in the sessionNew Directions in Health and Human Rights Pedagogy Society for Applied Anthropology, 77 Annual Meetings, March 28 to April 1, 2017. La Fondaon the Plaza Hotel, Santa Fe, NM.
Breda, K. & Frank, M.E. (2016)Intersections of Anthropology and the Humanities in Professional Educationin the Session“Intersections of Disciplines, Domains & Design”Society for Applied Anthropology, 76 Annual Meetings, The Westin Bayshore,Vancouver, BC, CANADA, March 29 to April 2, 2016.
Groot, K. & Breda, K(2016) The Intersection of Anthropology and Creativity in Designing Programs for Health Professionalsin the session“Intersections of Political Economy and Health: Issues of Migration, Poverty, Violence and Health Care Provision Part II” .Society for Applied Anthropology, 76 Annual Meetings, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, March 29 to April 2, 2016.
Breda, K. (2016)Intersections of Political Economy and Health: Issues of Migration, Poverty, Violence and Health Care Provision Part I. CONAA Session organized for theSociety for Applied Anthropology, 76 Annual Meetings, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, March 29 to April 2, 2016.
Breda, K. (2016)Intersections of Political Economy and Health: Issues of Migration, Poverty, Violence and Health Care Provision Part II.CONAA Session organized for theSociety for Applied Anthropology, 76 Annual Meetings, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, March 29 to April 2, 2016.
Paul-Ward, A. & Breda, K.(2016) Intersections of Disciplines, Domains and Design. CONAA Session organized for theSociety for Applied Anthropology, 76 Annual Meetings, The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, CANADA, March 29 to April 2, 2016.
Breda, K. (2015) “Continuity and Change in International Partnerships.” CONAA Session organized for at the 75thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Omni William Penn Hotel • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 24-28, 2015
Breda, K.& Lamm R.S. (2015) “Innovative strategies for continuity and change among vulnerable groups Part I.” CONAA Session organized for at the 75thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Omni William Penn Hotel • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 24-28, 2015
deChesnay, M.&Breda, K. (2015) “Innovative Strategies for Continuity and Change amongVulnerable Groups: Part II”CONAA Session organized for the 75thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Omni William Penn Hotel • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 24-28, 2015
Breda, K. (2015)“Continuity and Change: Revisiting Ivan Illich’s To Hell with Good Intentionsfor in International Service Missions” Paper presented at the 75thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Omni William Penn Hotel • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 24-28, 2015
Breda, K.L. (2014) Participatory Action Research (PAR) for Applied Scholars in the session “Anthropological Methodologies for Health Professionals” Paper presented at the74thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town March 18-22, 2014.
Breda, K.L. (2014)“Destinations for Sustaining Health and Social Outcomes: Part One” CONAA Session Organized for the Society for Applied Anthropology, 74thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town March 18-22, 2014.
Breda, K.L. (2014)“Destinations for Sustaining Health and Social Outcomes: Part Two” CONAA Session Organized for the Society for Applied Anthropology, 74thAnnual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology • Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town March 18-22, 2014.
Breda, K.L. (2013)“Protecting Resources through Capacity Building” CONAA Session Organized for the Society of Applied Anthropology Denver Marriott City Center Hotel73rdAnnual Meeting March 19-23, 2013.
Breda, K.L. (2013) “Building Community Health Resources in Urban Neighborhoods through Critical Pedagogy” Paper presented at theSociety for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting Denver Marriott City Center Hotel73rdAnnual MeetingMarch 19-23, 2013.
Groot, K.& Breda, K.L. (2013) “Identifying the Red Flags of Sex Trafficking and Drug Abuse: How We Can Use Existing Resources to Make a Difference” Paper presented at theSociety for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting Denver Marriott City Center Hotel73rdAnnual MeetingMarch 19-23, 2013.
Breda, K.L. (2012)“Democratic Community Partnership Models” CONAA Session Organized for the Society for Applied Anthropology, Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, 72ndAnnual Meeting March 27-31, 2012
Breda, K.L. (2012)“Enhancing Health Knowledge through Evidence-based Action and Change for Populations at Risk” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, 72ndAnnual Meeting, March 27-31, 2012.
Nordyke, J., MacGregor, B & Breda, K.L.“Successful Graphic Design in Health Social Science through Transdisciplinary Collaboration” Poster presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel, 72ndAnnual Meeting, March 27-31, 2012.
Breda, K.L. & Wright, M.G.M. (2011) “The Evolution of Knowledge Translation through Cross-National Nursing Partnerships in Latin America and the USA” Paper presented at the 11thIberoamerican Conference on Nursing Education of ALADEFE, Coimbra, PORTUGAL, September 18-23, 2011.
Breda, K. L. (2011)“Economic Globalization and Health Care Workers in the Americas” Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Conference Theme: “Expanding the Influence of Applied Social Science”, Seattle, WA, Grand Hyatt Seattle, March 29-April 2, 2011.
Breda, K.L. (2010) “Nursing and Globalization in the Americas” Platform presentation presented at the CICAD Meeting with Latin American Universities on the Drug Phenomenon from the International Health Perspective, Panama City, Hotel El Panama, September 15-17, 2010.
Raisz, H, Breda, K.L. & Jalil-Gutierrez, S. (2009) “Using Critical Political Economy to Critique 21st Century Health and Social Inequities” Paper presented at the Association for Humanist Sociology 2009 Annual Meetings, Hampton Inn & Suites Convention Center, New Orleans, LA, November 12-15, 2009.
Breda, K.L. (2009) “Nursing and Globalization in the Americas: A Critical Perspective” Poster presented at the X Conferencia Iberoamericana de Educacion en Enfermeria, October 26-30, 2009, Universidad de Panamá, Panamá City, PANAMA.
Breda, K.L.(2009) “Teaching Social Justice and Peace in Public Health Courses through Community Service Learning” Paper presented at the conference Transformation: Teaching Peace across Disciplines, A College & University Symposium, Session: Public Health 20102, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, April 3, 2009.
Breda, K.L., French, S., Emed, J. & Wright, G. (2008) “Using collaboration to enhance knowledge of nursing in the Americas” Poster presented at the 1stInternational Conference of the Global Alliance on Nursing Education and Scholarship. Conference Theme: “Educating the Future Nursing and Health Workforce: A Global Challenge” Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Hilton Downtown Toronto Hotel, October 1-3, 2008.
Breda, K.L. (2008) “Nursing in the Americas: How Nursing withoutWallscan Enhance Best Practice” Paper presented at the 136 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association. Conference Theme: “Public health without borders” Public Health Nursing Section, San Diego, CA, October 25- 29, 2008.
Breda, K.L. & Groot, K (2007) Making a Difference with Community Partnerships for Social Justice & Health. Paper presented to the Institute for Community Research, Crossroads II: Community-Based Collaborative Research for Social Justice Hartford, Connecticut June 7-9, 2007.
Breda, K.L. (2007) Global Insecurities in Health Care: Neoliberalism and Nursing Praxis.Session organized for the Society for Applied Anthropology 67thAnnual Meeting Hyatt Regency Tampa, Florida, March 27-31, 2007.
Breda, K. L.(2007) Global Insecurities or Global solutions? Neoliberalism and U.S. Nursing. Paper presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. Hyatt Regency Tampa, Florida, March 27-31, 2007.
Breda, K.L.& Barbee, E (2006) “Nursing in an Uncertain Age: How History and Political Economy Shape Nursing in the USA” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Anthropology of North America, William & Anita Newman Conference Center, Baruch College, City University of New York, NY, NY, April 20-22, 2006.
Breda, K.L. (2005) “Unhealthy Bedfellows: Neoliberal Reform and the Discipline of Nursing” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Humanist Sociology Conference Theme: Nonviolence & the Struggle for Social Justice in the session “Toward Economic Justice” Tampa River Walk Hotel, Tampa, Florida, October 26-30, 2005
Breda, K.L. (2005) “Neoliberal Reform and the Role of Nursing Leadership in Drug Demand Reduction: The U.S. Case” Paper presented at the III International Nursing Leadership Institute and the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America, in the Institute “Nursing Leadership for Professional Advancement within the 21stCentury and the Drug Phenomenon: North and Latin American Perspectives” Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, August 15, 2005.
Breda, K.L. (2005) “Understanding Ethnography” A short course presented at the I International Nursing Research Forum and the Drug Phenomenon in Latin America, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, August 16-17, 2005
Brennan, S.J. &Breda, K.L.(2005) “Fostering Campus and Community Partnerships through Project Horizon” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting and Spring Institute of the Association of Community Health Nurse Educators, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hartford, CT, June 2-4, 2005.
Brennan, S. & Breda, K. (2004) Poster Presented at the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators: Project Horizon: A Community Outreach, Service Learning Model, June 5, 2004.
Griswold, R, Breda, K.L., Brennan, S.J. & Nordyke, J. (2003) “Seeking Social Justice: Toward a Model of Community Service Learning” Paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Association For Humanist Sociology, Radisson Hotel, Burlington, Vermont, October 30 –November 2, 2003, Conference Theme: Celebrating Humanist Sociology.
Breda, K.L. & Brennan, S.J. Communities Working together for Collective Transformation in Project Horizon. Poster presented at the 102ndAnnual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, Chicago Hilton and Towers. November 19-23, 2003. Conference Theme Peace: Affinities, Divisions and Transformations.
Breda, K.L. & Anderson, N.R. (2003) Communities Working Together: Diminishing Inequality and Promoting Health through Collective Transformations” Session organized at the 102ndAnnual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, Chicago Hilton and Towers. November 19-23, 2003. Conference Theme “Peace: Affinities, Divisions and Transformations”
Breda, K.L.(2003) The Birth of Project Horizon through Participatory Action Research. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology Conference theme “Building Bridges: Collaborating Beyond Boundaries” Portland, Oregon, Marriott Portland Downtown on the Waterfront, March 19-23, 2003.
Breda, K.L. (2002) Who’s to Blame for Medical Errors by Nurses? How Critical medical Anthropology Can Inform This Ethical issue. Paper presented at the 101stAnnual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA, Hyatt Regency. Conference theme “(un)maginable Futures: Anthropology Faces the Next 100 Years.” November 20-24, 2002.
Breda, K.L (2000) “Considering Class: A Critical Analysis of Social Class Issues in Nursing” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings in session Class, Ethnicity, Gender in Biomedical Socialization, March 21-26, 2000 Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, CA.
Breda, K.L.(1999) “Deconstructing Myths about Homelessness: Registered Nurses in Urban Homeless Shelters”Paper presented at the Annual International Critical & Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference, October 15-17, 1999, Williamsburg Hospitality House, Williamsburg Virginia.
Breda, K.L.(1999) "The University of Hartford Healthcare for the Homeless Project" Poster presented at the Connecticut League of Nursing Annual Convention, April 30, 1999.
Breda, K.L. (1999) "Constructing Common Ground: Consciousness Raising with Registered Nurses in Urban Homeless Shelters" Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology 1999 Meeting in the session Nursing & Applied Medical Anthropology, April 21-25, 1999, Inn Suites Hotel, Tucson, Arizona.
Breda, K.L. (1998) "Health Promotion for the Homeless in Hartford, Connecticut" Poster presented at the Annual Center for Health Promotion Research Conference, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey College of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Tau Chapter & The Center for Health Promotion Research, October 1998, Newark, New Jersey.
Breda, K.L. (1998) (Member) Women's Health Service Research Utilization Group "The Value of Routine Urine Dipstick Screening in the Prenatal Period" Awarded First Prize - Poster Presentation. Poster presented at Supporting Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Conference, October 8, 1998, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut.
Breda, K.L.(1998) "Behind the Scenes & From the Margins: An Alternative View of Nursing as a Caring Professions" Paper presented at 1998 Annual Meetings of the Society For Applied Anthropology in the session Marginalization in Nursing, Part II., April 21-26, 1998, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Organized & Chaired session with Evelyn Barbee)
Breda, K.L.(1997) "Power & Change among Poor Women in Urban Homeless Shelters" Paper presented at Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings in the Session Research in Nursing & Anthropology: Bridging into the 21st CenturyMarch 4-9, 1997, Seattle Washington.
Breda, K.L.(1996) "The Marginalization of Nursing in the Literature of Medical Anthropology & the Political Economy of Health" Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in the invited session Perspectives on the Marginalization of NursingNovember 20-24, 1996 San Francisco Hilton & Towers, San Francisco, CA. (Organized & Chaired session with Evelyn Barbee).
Breda, K.L& Witt, B. (1996) "Health Care for Homeless Women by RN to BSN Nurses" Poster accepted for presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing's Eighth International Nursing Research Conference, May 30-June 3, 1996, Ocho Rios, JAMAICA.
Breda, K.L.(1995) "Homeless Shelters as Social Policy for Poor Women & Families in the Urban Community" Paper presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in the session Social Policy & Urban Women: Dialogue & Critique in a Period of ReformNovember 15-19, 1995 Washington Hilton & Towers, Washington D.C.
Breda, K.L,Anderson, M, Hansen, L, Hayes, D, Lyon, P, Pillion, C. (1995) "Participatory Action Research by Nurses: Enhanced Professional Autonomy & Workplace Democracy" Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Critical & Feminist Perspectives in Nursing Conference: Personal Journeys & the Politics of Difference in the session Participatory Action ResearchOctober 12-15, 1995, Prout's Neck, Maine.
Breda, K.L. (1995) "Homeless Shelters, Workers & Health: Underdevelopment and the Urban Environment” Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology in the session The Construction of Meaning & the Destruction of Health in Diverse North American CommunitiesMarch 29-April 2, 1995 Albuquerque Hilton, Albuquerque, NM.
Breda, K.L. (1994) "Action Research with Union Nurses: The Social Scientist As Advocate." Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association in the session Advocacy Research in the Anthropology of HealthNov 30-Dec 4, 1994 Hilton & Towers, Atlanta, GA.
Breda, K.L. (1994) "Hegemony, Class and Gender among Union Nurses: An Ethnographic Study" Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference in the session Methodological ApplicationsJune 10-13, 1994 Hershey Park Convention Center, Hershey, PA.
Breda, K.L.(1993) "Nurses in Unions: Hegemony, Class and Gender in a Rural Hospital" Paper presented in the session The Responses of Workers to Work Lifeat the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 17-21, 1993 Washington Hilton & Towers, Washington D.C.
Breda, K.L. (1992) "Gramscian Hegemony & Political Culture in the Italian Health Service: A Comparison of Four USL’s” Paper presented at the VII International Conference of the International Association of Health Policy, October 6-10, 1992, Bologna, ITALY.
Breda, K.L.(1991) "Il servizio sanitario nazionale in Italia: un confronto delle U.S.L" Paper presented to the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, November 13, 1991, Turin, ITALY.
Breda, K.(1990) "Political Economy of Health in Italy" Paper presented at the 89th AnnualMeetings of the American Anthropological Association, November 28-December 2, 1990, The New Orleans Hilton, New Orleans, LA.
Breda, K. (1990)"Italian Health Service: Culture, Power & Politics" Paper presented at symposium Medical Anthropologyat the Annual Meetings of the Northeast Anthropological Association, March 29-April 1, 1990, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, South, Burlington, VT.
Breda, K.(1989) "Italian Health Service: Culture, Power & Politics" Paper presented at the session Health, Power, Economics and Changeat the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, November 15-19, 1989, Hilton Hotel, Washington D.C.
Breda, K.(1987)"Ritual in South Italy: Ideology & the Social System" Paper presented at Primo convegno nazionale di antropologia culturale della societa' complessa, sponsored by Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza," Facolta di Magistero, May 27-30, 1987, Palazzo Braschi, Rome, ITALY.
Breda, K.(1986)"Tarantismo: An Ecstatic Ritual in South Italy" Paper presented at symposium Symbolism II: Myth, Ritual & Religionat the 26th Annual Meeting at the Northeast Anthropological Association, March 20-23, 1986, Buffalo Museum of Science and Hilton Hotel, Buffalo, NY.
Breda, K. (1984) "The New Italian Immigrant in America" Paper presented at the symposiumEthnicityat the 24th Annual Conference of the Northeast Anthropological Association, March 22-25, 1984, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Breda, K.(1981) "Patterns & Themes in the Pediatric Nurse Clinician's Sense of Intimacy in the Family & in the Nurse's Interactions with Families in the in the Emergency Department Setting." Paper presented at the symposium Needs, Assessments, Intervention Strategiesat the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, April 12-17, 1981 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,SCOTLAND