Associate Dean of Student Academic Services; Associate Professor of Art History
Humanities, Dean's Office for Hillyer
Hillyer Collegealtvater@gt5cheats.com 860.768.4697 H 114
PhD, Boston University
MA, Boston University
BA, Swarthmore College
Fran Altvater is associate dean of student academic services and an associate professor of art history. She teaches Introduction to Fine Arts I, II, and III.
"Hillyer students often start unsure and blossom during their time with us," says Altvater. "I really like seeing what happens when the complicated combinations of time management, skill building and support, and curiosity come together for a student. I really appreciate seeing them feel accomplished at the end of a class, a semester, or a degree program."
Altvater's research interests include:
- Medieval art and architecture
- Medieval theology
- Museum studies
- Issues in collegiate teaching
Incarnation, Initiation, Institution: Sacramental Theology and the Decoration of Baptismal Fonts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Forthcoming.
“Chores, Computation, and the Coming: Calendar Images and Romanesque Baptismal Fonts”. Studies in the Visual Culture of Baptism. Collected papers from panels presented at the 40th and 41st International Congresses on Medieval Studies. Ashgate Publishing. July 2013.
“Saintly Bodies, Mortal Bodies: Hagiographic Decoration on English Twelfth Century Baptismal Fonts”. Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art and Architecture. http://peregrinations.kenyon.edu/. Vol. III/No. 4, Autumn 2012.
“Barren Mother, Dutiful Wife, Church Triumphant: Medieval Illuminations of Hannah in I Kings”. Different Visions: A Journal of New Perspectives on Medieval Art. http://differentvisions.org/, Issue 3, October 2011.