
Ways to Give

Your Gift Makes a Difference

Give online or call us at 860.768.2400. Make a recurring gift in weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments, to have a greater impact!

Mail your check payable to the University of Hartford to:
University of Hartford, Office of Institutional Advancement, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117.

Double your dollars with an employer match. Obtain a matching gift form from your company and mail it to us with your gift. Please check the Employer Matching Gift section of our gift form to see if your company has a matching gift program.

With a planned gift, you can leave a legacy that serves the University and its students for generations to come, while providing many benefits to you and your loved ones now. Learn more or schedule a confidential consultation.

You can also use this free estate planning resource to create a legal will at no cost, and include the necessary language in you plans to create your legacy with the University of Hartford.

To make a lasting impact—one that benefits our students and the University for perpetuity, a project-based gift, or to establish a scholarship—you may want to consider a leadership gift or making a pledge, paid in installments. Meet with one of our team members to learn more.

Stock, Mutual Funds, Wire Transfers, and ACH/EFTs

Please contact Christine Adams for instructions on how to make your transfer.

Christine E. Adams
Senior Director of Advancement Services
Institutional Advancement
T. 860.768.2407

To learn more about philanthropic opportunities and partnerships for corporations, please contact Lynn Baronas, senior director of strategic and corporate engagement, at 860.768.4388. Faculty and staff interested in seeking private funding for an approved University program or project may contact Lynn Baronas or Beverly Zell, associate director of research and grants, for assistance; additionally, the Office of Sponsored Programs is available to talk with you further.

Payroll deductions are a convenient option for faculty and staff of the University to make their gifts and have a greater impact over time.

If you are seeking private funding for an approved University program or project, please contact Lynn Baronas, senior director of strategic and corporate engagement, in the Office of Institutional Advancement.