
Dissertation Presentation in the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice

This quantitative study investigated the relationship between academic advising frequency, free college scholarships (FCS), and student persistence in a statewide community college system. Using data from over 34,000 students, the study examined how frequent advising and FCS participation influenced persistence, with particular attention to race and enrollment status.

Results showed that students who attended multiple advising sessions were 3.68 times more likely to persist than those without advising. Additionally, FCS recipients were 2.59 times more likely to persist than non-recipients. The combined effect of frequent advising and FCS acceptance resulted in the highest persistence rates.The conclusions highlights the importance of proactive advising and financial aid programs in supporting student success, particularly for underrecognized populations. This research offers evidence-based recommendations for improving equity in community colleges.


Thursday, Jan. 30, 9 a.m.–10 a.m.
Via Microsoft Teams (for meeting link, email