

Ordering Phones

Phones may be ordered by contacting ITS at:


Phone: 860.768.4357

The University employs two models of Cisco Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones:

  • 4-line phone; for most faculty/staff desk phones
  • 5-line plus side-car capability; for multi-line switchboard/large office implementations

Please contact ITS to order needed phones.


Voicemail Instructions

Press the voicemail button on your phone. Which should look like this: Voice Mail Icon

The system will ask for your PIN, the default is 1234. It will prompt you to change this, please do so.

  1. Dial 860-768-5522
  2. Press *
  3. Enter your extension.
  4. Enter your password.

Greetings are messages that callers hear when they reach your voice mail. You can have the following greetings: 

  • standard greeting—the normal greeting played to callers when they reach your voice mail. This can be either the default system greeting (Sorry, / is not available) or a greeting that you have recorded and chosen as your own standard greeting. 
  • alternate greeting—the alternate greeting that is recorded by you and is turned on or off using the voice-mail menu. This greeting is used as an alternative to your standard greeting; for example, if you are on vacation, you can record a special greeting that is played to callers during the time that you are away. 

To manage greetings: 

  1. Perform steps in Accessing Voicemail settings by Phone to reach the main voice-mail menu. 
  2. Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu. 
  3. Press 1 to access the Greetings menu. Your active greeting plays. 
  • To rerecord your current greeting, press 1. See Rerecording Your Current Greeting. 
  • To turn on or turn off your alternate greeting, press 2. See Turning Alternate Greetings On and Off. 
  • To rerecord your standard and alternate greetings, press 3. See Rerecording Your Standard Greeting and Rerecording Your Alternate Greeting. 
  • To hear all greetings, press 4. See Reviewing All Greetings. 
  1. After your current greeting plays, press 1 to rerecord your current greeting.
  2. At the tone, speak your greeting. When finished, press #.
  3. Your newly recorded greeting plays. To accept this greeting and continue, press #. To rerecord, press 1.
  1. To turn on or turn off your alternate greeting, press 2 in the Greetings menu.
  2. If your alternate greeting is turned on, the system plays your alternate greeting. Press 2 to turn off your alternate greeting.

If your alternate greeting is not turned on, press 2 to turn it on.

If you have not yet recorded an alternate greeting, or want to rerecord your alternate greeting, perform the steps in Rerecording Your Alternate Greeting.

To rerecord your standard greeting:

  1. In the Greetings menu, press 3.
  2. Press 1 to rerecord your greeting.
  3. At the tone, speak your greeting. When finished, press #.
  4. Your newly recorded greeting plays. To accept this greeting and continue, press #. To rerecord, press 1.

To rerecord your alternate greeting:

  1. In the Greetings menu, press 3.
  2. Press 3 to rerecord your greeting.
  3. At the tone, speak your greeting. When finished, press #.
  4. Your newly recorded greeting plays. To accept this greeting and continue, press #. To rerecord, press 1.
  1. To listen to all greetings, press 4 in the Greetings menu. Your standard greeting, alternate greeting, and current greeting play.
  2. You can perform the following actions:
  • To rerecord the current greeting, press 1.
  • To turn on or off your alternate greeting, press 2.
  • To rerecord other greetings, press 3.
  • To repeat the review of all of your greetings, press 4.

To change your voice-mail password, perform the following steps:

  • Step 1 Perform steps in Accessing Voicemail settings by Phone to reach the main voice-mail menu.
  • Step 2 Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.
  • Step 3 Press 3 to access your personal settings.
  • Step 4 Press 1 to change your password.
  • Step 5 Enter your new password. Press # when finished.
  • Step 6 Enter your new password again to confirm, and press #.

To change your recorded name, or the name that identifies you to callers, perform the following steps:

  1. Perform steps in Accessing Voicemail by Phone to reach the main voice-mail menu.
  2. Press 4 to access the Setup Options menu.
  3. Press 3 to access your personal settings.
  4. Press 2 to change your recorded name.
  5. To record a new name, wait for the tone and say your first and last name. When finished, press #.
  6. Your newly recorded name plays. Press # to keep it, or 1 to rerecord.