Most books and scores may be checked out for a full semester, and most audio-visual materials may be checked out for three weeks. See below for these and other policies.
Please return materials sooner if possible, so others may use them. In addition, staff may contact you to recall materials needed by others.
Not sure when your items are due? Call us (860.768.4491) or check your account online.
Print and Audio-Visual Items
Books and Scores
- Loan period: 1 semester
- Renewal limit: 2 renewals, 1 semester each
- Item limit: 100 total items (any format)
- Fees: None unless lost or long overdue
Audio-Visual Materials
- Loan period: 3 weeks
- Renewal limit: 5 renewals, 3 weeks each
- Item limit: 10 of each format
- Fees: None unless lost or long overdue
Reserves and Closed Stacks
- Loan period: 4 hours in library
- Renewal limit: 1 renewal, 4 hours
- Item limit: 6 during exams
- Fees: $1/hour if late
Closed Stacks include the Jack Elliott and Kalmen Opperman collections, plus other materials that are rare, fragile, or difficult to replace if lost.
Collected Editions (M2-M3)
- In-library use only
Reference and Periodicals
- In-library use only
These policies apply to full- and part-time (adjunct) faculty, full- and part-time staff, Community Division faculty, and retired faculty and staff.
Books and Scores
- Loan period: 1 semester
- Renewal limit: 5 renewals, 1 semester each
- Item limit: 150 total items (any format)
- Fines: None unless lost or long overdue
Audio-Visual Materials
- Loan period: 3 weeks
- Renewal limit: 5 renewals, 3 weeks each
- Item limit: 150 total items (any format)
- Fines: None unless lost or long overdue
Reserves and Closed Stacks
- Loan period: 4 hours in library
- Renewal limit: 1 renewal, 4 hours
- Fines: None unless lost or long overdue
Faculty may take reserve items out of the library for teaching purposes if items are on reserve for their class.
Closed Stacks include the Jack Elliott and Kalmen Opperman collections, plus other materials that are rare, fragile, or difficult to replace if lost.
Collected Editions (M2-M3)
- Varies. Ask an Allen supervisor for details.
Reference and Periodicals
- In-library use only
These policies also apply to Presidents' College Fellows, Trustees, and students from the Watkinson School, University of Hartford HS, Hebrew HS of New England, Boston Library Consortium schools, and CCALD consortium schools.
Alumni should request an alumni library card in order to borrow materials.
More library resources for alumni.
Hartt Community Division students should fill out this form to obtain a library borrowing card. Hartt Preparatory Academy students receive undergraduate student privileges.
More library resources for Community Division Students.
Guest borrowers (people not affiliated with the university) must pay a yearly $50 fee to borrow library materials. Apply for a guest borrower card at the Mortensen circulation desk.
More library resources for guests.
Books and Scores
- Loan period: 4 weeks
- Renewal limit: 1 renewal, 4 weeks
- Item limit: 25 total items (any format)
- Fees: None unless lost or long overdue
Audio-Visual Materials
- Loan period: 3 weeks
- Renewal limit: 1 renewal, 3 weeks
- Item limit: 6 of each format
- Fees: None unless lost or long overdue
Reserves and Closed Stacks
- Loan period: 4 hours in library
- Renewal limit: 1 renewal, 4 hours
- Item limit: 6 during exams
- Fees: $1/hour if late
Closed Stacks include the Jack Elliott and Kalmen Opperman collections, plus other materials that are rare, fragile, or difficult to replace if lost.
Collected Editions (M2-M3)
- In-library use only
Reference and Periodicals
- In-library use only
Items with Multiple Parts
- One person signs out each set of parts and is responsible for returning all parts together.
- Sets must be returned intact, with all parts present in their binder or box. The original borrower and ensemble members should not return parts to the library one at a time.
- Incomplete sets of parts will will stay on the original borrower's account. If missing parts are not returned by 45 days after the due date, that borrower will be billed for replacing the entire set at current market price, plus a nonrefundable $15 surcharge.
- Please do not tape or write in library music. If you must make a note, do so lightly, in pencil only, and erase thoroughly before return. You may be billed to replace any returned music that is damaged, taped, or heavily marked.
The above policies apply to any item or set that comes with multiple parts, such as
- Chamber and solo music with parts or score+part(s)
- Books or scores that have recordings inserted
- Sound and video recordings (discs, liner notes)
- Computing/recording equipment
See our Technology pages for a full list of equipment.
Only current University of Hartford students, faculty, and staff may borrow library equipment.
You must return Allen Library equipment to the Allen Library circulation desk, not at the Mortensen desk or the book drop outside the library.
When you borrow equipment, you accept responsibility to replace the item if it is lost or damaged, for its current market value.
We encourage you to reserve equipment in advance, especially during the busy recital and audition seasons. Please contact Mike Anderson (, 860.768.4459).
Loan Periods and Daily Overdue Fees
The following are standard loan periods. If you need more time, we can often extend your due date if the equipment is not reserved for other users. Please contact Mike Anderson (, 860.768.4459).
If library is not open on the due date, equipment is due the next day the library is open.
Faculty and staff do not owe daily overdue fees.
Portable A/V Equipment and Laptops
Includes audio recorders, video camcorders, MIDI keyboards, tripods, and USB microphones.
- Loan period: 1 day
- Fees: $2/day
iPads, Gimbals, USB Disc Drive
- Loan period: 3 days
- Fees: $2/day
Laptop and Phone Chargers, A/V Cables and Adapters
- Loan period: Due same day by closing time
- Fees: $0.50/day
Headphones, Remotes, Ethernet Cables, Computer Mice
- Loan period: 4 hours
- Fees: $0.50/hour
Long Overdue and Lost Equipment
If you lose a piece of equipment or keep it 2 weeks past the due date, you will be billed two additional fees:
- The full cost of replacing the item
- A non-refundable $15 processing fee (This covers our efforts to retrieve, replace, and process the item.)
If you return a lost item, we will forgive or refund the replacement cost, but the $15 processing fee and any daily/hourly overdue fines will remain on your account.