How it Works

In the catalog record, select "Place request."
Use our Library Catalog to Make a Request
- Search the library catalog for the item(s) you need.
- Click on an item in your search results.
- At the right side of the page, click "Place request."
- Log in.

On the request screen, choose a pickup library and place your request.
- At the top right of the request box, choose your pickup library.
- Leave the other drop-down menu set to "Next available" UNLESS your item has multiple volumes. In that case, use the drop-down to select the volume(s) you need.
- Click "Place request."
Contact Us
Have questions? Prefer to have us place requests for you? Need to make an expedited request for an item that's currently checked out? Visit the appropriate library's circulation desk, or contact us by phone/email:
Mortensen Library (most subjects) |
Allen Library (music and dance) |
Pick Up Your Materials
You will receive an email when your materials are ready to be picked up. Most requests will be fulfilled within 24 hours Monday through Friday, though many requests will be available sooner. Bring your university ID to the circulation desk of your chosen pickup library, and tell staff you have items on hold. They will check out the items to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Request Items
What materials are eligible for holds?
Most books, scores, DVDs, CDs, and other regularly-circulating materials are eligible for holds.
Reference and reserve items (including textbooks), laptops, equipment, journals, and other non-circulating materials are not eligible for holds.
Can I make a request by phone or email?
Yes! Just contact the appropriate library.
Pick Up Hold Requests
How long will it take for my holds to be ready?
Most requests will be processed within 24 hours Monday through Friday, though many requests will be available sooner. However, if you request something currently checked out to another patron, it may take several weeks or longer before the item is ready. If it's been 24 hours and you haven't received an email, please contact us so we can look into your request!
Where do I go to pick up my requests?
Visit the circulation desk of your chosen pickup library. The Mortensen circulation desk is just inside the front doors of the Harrison Libraries' building, and the Allen circulation desk is on the lower level. See floorplans and hours.
How long will you hold my items?
We will generally hold your items at the circulation desk for one week, after which we will cancel the holds and return materials to the shelves. If you need more time to pick up your items, please contact the appropriate library.
Special Requests
Can I request an item that's checked out to someone else?
Yes, but it will not be available until the current patron returns the item. If you need it before the due date listed in the catalog, contact the appropriate library. We will look into getting the item back sooner or requesting a copy through Interlibrary Loan. Please note this process make take 1-2 weeks.
Can someone else pick up my holds for me?
It is best for you to pick up your own items. If this is not possible, and especially if you need assistance due to isolation or quarantine, please contact the appropriate library to discuss alternate arrangements.
I'm studying remotely. Can the library mail my items to me?
We may be able to mail some materials. Please contact a librarian to discuss your needs:
Mortensen Library (most subjects) |
Allen Library (music and dance) |
Get Help
I don't see a "Place request" button for the item I want. How do I request it?
That item is likely not eligible for holds. Try a different item, or contact us for help.
I can't find the item I need in the catalog. Can someone help me?
Of course! Chat with us online—click the yellow "Ask Us!" button at the right of your screen—or contact a librarian via email or phone.
How do I log into my library account?
Open the library catalog, select "My account" at the top right, then select "Log in." Your username is your university ID number. Your default password (unless you've changed it) is your last name, properly capitalized. If that doesn't work, try resetting your password: open the catalog, select "My account" in the top right corner, then select "Forgot Password?"
If you need more help, contact the Mortensen or Allen Library.