Are you ready to take the next step?
Learn more about the ways to finance your program. You are also welcome to set up an appointment with our office to discuss your options.
Students registered on an approved semester or year-long study abroad program will pay University of Hartford tuition while abroad. If your program's tuition cost is higher than the University of Hartford's tuition, you will be billed the additional amount. If you are taking additional courses than what is considered to be full-time at the overseas university, you will be billed for the extra tuition (for example, if students at X university only take four courses, but you want to take five, you will be billed for the fifth course). If you sign up for courses with extra lab fees, you will be billed for the extra amount. Please note: tuition abatement or exchange can only be used on exchange programs, not provider programs.
Room and Board:
Students on approved programs will not be billed the University's room and board fees, but will be billed the housing fee of the host program through their University of Hartford account. Please be aware some housing bills from our overseas partners are not received until the start of your semester abroad or after you have already arrived. You will be notified via the Blackboard site.
Required International Insurance Policy
Students are required to pay for Geo Blue. There are three price points for semester/year programs: $250 for programs lasting up to four months, $350 for programs lasting over four months up to six months, and $750 for full-year programs
Other Fees
- UHart Graduation Fee: $46
- UHart Registration Fee: $30
Travel Costs:
You are responsible for all travel and personal expenses. These include airfare, passports and/or visa fees, meals not included within the program, books and supplies, and personal expenses such as independent travel.
UHart Faculty-Led Short-Term programs:
For short-term programs, costs are listed under each individual program. Please check the program page.
Study Abroad Program Provider Winter and Summer
For summer and winter programs through our program providers, costs are listed under each individual program on the provider's website. Please check the program page. You are responsible for paying all program fees directly to the program provider.
Internship programs are provided through our study abroad program provider partnerships. If you are doing an internship as part of your semester study abroad program, refer to the semester costs listed above. If you are doing an internship over the summer, please check the costs listed on the individual provider's program page. You are responsible for paying all program fees directly to the program provider for summer internships.
Research opportunities:
Research programs are provided through our study abroad program provider partnerships. If you are doing research as part of your semester study abroad program, refer to the semester costs listed above. If you are doing research over the summer, please check the costs listed on the individual partnership program pages. You are responsible for paying all program fees directly to the program provider for summer research opportunities.
Payment Option 1
If you wish to make the payment on campus, the University of Hartford accepts cash, personal checks, money order, or traveler's checks at the Center for Student Success (CSS). Please note that the International Center cannot receive student checks. You can make checks to the University of Hartford. When paying the program deposit at CSS, ensure that the payment is applied to Off-Campus Study Deposit; otherwise, it will not count toward your study-abroad program.
Payment Option 2
If you wish to make the payment online, the University of Hartford accepts E-check (ACH) and credit card payments online through the CASHNet site on the Self-Service Center Account. Accepted credit cards are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. There is no fee to make payment using an e-check; however, credit card payments are made using CASHNet SmartPay and will apply a service charge of 2.85% of the transaction amount.
When making a payment online through Self-Service Center, login to the system:
- Click the Pay Your Bill CASHNet link
- Click Make a Payment from the drop down menu
- Click Off-Campus Study Deposit
- Enter in the deposit amount
- Add to Payment, and follow the remaining instructions
Is financial aid available for studying abroad?
Most of the financial aid you receive can be applied to semester and year-long approved study abroad programs. This includes aid from both the federal and state governments, and university scholarships or grants. Work study and any room and board discounts associated with the Residential Assistant program do not apply to study abroad programs.
Please note: tuition remission/abatement only applies for semester/academic exchange programs (not program providers) and for some University faculty-led programs
If you are interested in studying abroad, you may consider the possibility of obtaining additional financial aid (generally including loans) to assist in funding a study abroad program. If you do not qualify for need-based grants and the need-based Subsidized Federal Direct Loan, you may wish to utilize the non-need based Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.
It is helpful to remember that loans need to be paid back. The subsidized loan is need-based and interest is paid by the government during the in-school period; the unsubsidized loan is non-need based and interest is paid by the student.
Before applying to a study abroad program, check with the program provider and/or the International Center for program expenses. Students on approved semester programs will pay University of Hartford tuition (unless program tuition costs more, in which case students pay the full program tuition amount), and will pay the provider's cost of room/board, not the cost of UHart room/board.
In addition to the program fee, please consider the cost of airfare, meals not included in the program price, getting a passport and/or visa, immunizations, and spending money. Always seek additional or alternative sources of funding.
If I currently receive financial aid, does that mean I would receive financial aid for study abroad?
Yes, students can usually apply their financial aid (including loans) to assist in covering the cost of studying abroad on semester or year programs. Current financial aid recipients normally file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the renewal FAFSA yearly, eliminating the necessity to complete another one. Make sure your FAFSA is up-to-date for the period when you wish to study abroad on approved programs.
There are some scholarships, such as the Alumni Distinguished Scholarship (ADS), Distinguished Freshman Scholarship, MSU National Merit Scholarship, and National Merit Achievement Scholarship, which restrict awards for certain types of study abroad programs. Check with the Financial Aid office for details.
I've never applied for financial aid but would like to apply for study abroad. What do I do first?
You must fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form for the same academic period in which you plan to study abroad. The FAFSA is required to determine your eligibility for Pell Grant and other federal and state grants, federal loans (need-based and non-need-based), work-study, and many University of Hartford grants and scholarships. Apply
Am I qualified to apply for financial aid?
Everyone who meets the following requirements may apply with the FAFSA form:
- be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
- be registered with Selective Service (if required)
- be enrolled in an eligible program
- be making satisfactory academic progress
- not owe a refund on a federal grant or be in default on federal educational loan
When should I file the FAFSA?
The FAFSA is available after October 1 for the academic year beginning the following fall. As soon as possible after October 1 complete the FAFSA and return it to the federal processor. The FAFSA changes every year, so be sure you are filing the correct application for your period of attendance. Be sure to renew your application every year.
Where do I obtain a FAFSA form?
Apply electronically at or visit the Financial Aid Office.
How many credits do I need to take to receive financial aid (including loans) for study abroad?
For scholarships and grants you must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 U.S. credits abroad.
If I am a commuter student, is there any aid I can apply for to help offset the study abroad housing cost?
There are no set scholarships or grants but we recommend you speak with the Financial Aid Office regarding your options.
The University offers students the chance to earn money towards their overseas experience in the for scholarships. Please read below for descriptions of the available scholarships.
Domenica Di Matteo Scholarship
This scholarship honors the memory of the late Domenica Di Matteo, Study Abroad Advisor, student mentor and advocate. This scholarship enhances the opportunity to study abroad for qualified students with financial aid, and can be used to support travel and/or living expenses while abroad. Maximum award is $1,000.00.
Eligibility Requirements: minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA, no current judicial sanctions or financial holds; must demonstrate financial need
Requirements Following the Program: Recipients must submit a minimum of five photos to the International Center. Photos should depict the student engaged in a cultural experience abroad, and can feature just the student or other peers as well.
Deadline to Apply: October 15 for winter and spring semester programs; March 1 for summer and fall semester programs.
Gladys B. & Robert E. Dunn Scholarship for International Study
Gladys and Robert Dunn are strong supporters of international education experiences, and have graciously set up a scholarship fund for UHart students with financial aid who would like to study abroad during their college career. The scholarship can be applied to travel and/or living expenses while abroad. Maximum award is $1,500.00.
Eligibility Requirements: minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have submitted a completed online study abroad application and deposit.
Requirements Following the Program: students must write a thank you note to the Dunns, and submit a short essay detailing their education abroad experience. Recipients must also submit a minimum of five photos to the International Center. Photos should depict the student engaged in a cultural experience abroad, and can feature just the student or other peers as well.
Deadline to Apply: October 15 for winter and spring semester programs; March 1 for summer and fall semester programs.
International Experience Endowed Fund
Students interested in studying abroad, conducting research, or working with NGOs in the Caribbean, Central and South America, or Africa are encouraged to apply for this scholarship which can be used towards travel and/or living expenses while overseas. Maximum award is $1,500.00.
Eligibility Requirements: minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA; must be going to a non-traditional location in the Caribbean, Central America, South America or Africa; preference is given to students conducting research or working with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the Caribbean region or in Africa.
Requirements Following the Program: students must write a thank you note and submit an essay for the donor, detailing the impact of their experience abroad. Students must also submit a minimum of five photos to the International Center. Photos should depict the student engaged in a cultural experience abroad, and can feature just the student or other peers as well.
Deadline to Apply: October 15 for winter and spring semester programs; March 1 for summer and fall semester programs.
Application Process for the International Center scholarships:
Students interested in applying for a scholarship will apply through Academic Works. In order to see the Study Abroad Scholarship Application page on Academic Works, you must go through the general scholarship application AND select "YES" to the question asking if you are planning to study abroad in the next academic year.
To submit an application for a study abroad scholarship, please write a 1-2 page essay that includes the following information and answers the questions below:
- Applicant’s full name
- University ID#
- Major
- Graduation Year
- Program Name, Location & Term
Essay Format:
Please include the basic information above & a fun title for your essay at the top of the page. The essay must be no more than 2 pages - and 1.5 or double-spaced rather than single-spaced. Please upload the document in a format that is widely acceptable (word document, PDF, etc.) - pages documents are not always accessible and should not be submitted.
Essay Questions:
- Why did you select your overseas program?
- How are you preparing for your experience abroad?
- What are you hoping to contribute to the program, and to your host community? What are you hoping to learn from your host community?
- Please describe how your overseas experience will impact:
- Your personal goals;
- You academic goals; and
- Your long-term goals and/or career goals
Please be thoughtful in the presentation and quality of your essay in terms of grammar, style, and attention to detail. Essays that do not meet the format and requirements will not be considered for a scholarship.
Please note: faculty-led short-term scholarship applications will only be considered if the student has paid the required program deposit prior to the scholarship deadline.
Deadlines to submit scholarship applications are as follows:
- October 15: Winter & Spring programs
- March 1: Fall & Summer programs
Applications should be submitted through Academic Works. If you have any questions or issues with submitting your application, please contact, Assistant Director for Education Abroad.
Program Provider
Did you know many of the program providers we work with offer scholarships to students participating on their programs? Did you know some providers match Pell Grants or offer grants for travel? Some organizations give up to eight million dollars a year in study abroad scholarships; you could be next!
External Scholarships
Did you know there are opportunities to earn more money to study abroad? Here are a list of some of the external resources available to students:
- Asia Institute: scholarships for students studying in Asia
- BASAA Scholarship: a scholarship for students at schools within New England
- Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship: a scholarship opportunity for students with limited finances to assist with study abroad or internships abroad
- College Board general scholarship search engine: free online scholarship database
- FastWeb: free online scholarship database
- Fund for Education Abroad: scholarships for underrepresented students and/or those students going to non-traditional locations
- GoOverseas: general list of scholarships
- GoOverseas - New Zealand: full ride New Zealand scholarship for undergrads, and three scholarships for graduate students looking to study in New Zealand
- IIEPassport Study Abroad Funding: free online database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants
- InvestmentZen: $1000 Financial Future Scholarship
- New York Trolley Scholarship
- free college scholarship search and financial aid information resource
- Study free scholarship and funding database
- study abroad scholarship directory
Many of our students will participate in programs managed by the university’s study abroad providers. These students have access to additional scholarships offered by our partners, and as some of these organizations offer up to $8 Million a year in aid. UHart students are strongly encouraged to apply for these opportunities. Please note: deadlines for these scholarships vary depending on the provider, as do the applications. Students are encouraged to check the websites early to make sure they do not miss any deadlines.
- AIFS Study Abroad
- API (Academic Programs International)
- CAPA The Global Education Network
- CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange)
- CIS Abroad
- DIS (Study Abroad in Scandinavia)
- Hebrew University
- SAS (Semester at Sea)
- SIT Study Abroad
- Spanish Studies Abroad
- TEAN (The Education Abroad Network)
- Tel Aviv University